Space Infrastructure


The satellite industry is growing rapidly, narrowing the gap between terrestrial and space infrastructure, opening new opportunities in low-Earth orbit (LEO), geostationary orbit (GEO) and beyond Earth. This programme analyses supply and demand, trends, challenges and opportunities for the satellite manufacturing and launch market, and offers strategic advice on price dynamics, competition and demand for satellite infrastructure.


  • Satellite orders and launch. GEO/LEO orders, flexibility and pricing, constellation status, costing, development, deployment and launch evolution.
  • Building the new space infrastructure. Lunar and beyond Earth, in-orbit servicing and space situational awareness.
  • Multi-domain delivery models. From infrastructure-as-a-service to software-defined satellites across all orbits.

Questions answered

  • Where is the opportunity for satellite manufacturing and launch?
  • Which innovations are changing the way satellites are built and launched?
  • Which strategies should infrastructure players follow to ensure success?
  • How can emerging players compete in these highly competitive markets?
  • How are pricing and procurement changing the means of success in this business?

Programme head Dallas Kasaboski

Dallas Kasaboski Principal Analyst, expert in space infrastructure

The pulse of the satellite industry: questions and answers for senior executives 2024

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